Carved Designs > Large Stylized Cross
 | Large Stylized CrossThis is one of our most popular crosses, but this one is even bigger in size. We have been amazed as to how many people across the USA collect various types of crosses - - and this seems to have become one of their favorites.
This one is a whopping 14 1/2 inches tall and nearly 11 inches wide. It is all precision carved from a single piece of cabinet grade pine, then all hand stained and varnished right here in our shop in the USA. No seams, all from one piece. Note the great natural wood grain that shows in this piece, and since it is all carved from a single piece of wood, the 3-D surface is amazing in detail.
A true collector's item and a very reasonable price for this custom collectible.
All hand made!
Please write us at with any questions you may have about this unique piece. $ 35.00
Check back soon for purchase options! Item #110192 Pattern by SnodCraft
 Width: 11 Height: 14 1/2 Depth: 1/2 (If you would like to send your payment by mail and avoid using Paypal, you may download the order form here.) Like SnodCraft on Facebook! |
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